Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So I've been thinking that lately I feel like I've been gaining weight for no reason. Weight is like a roller coaster it fluctuates all the time. But when you are use to being over weight and you had accomplished losing so much at one point and then you feel like it slips back just like that its stressful. Wait it's more then stressful it is a pain in the ass. And I am sure many people deal with these same issues everyday but I am going on vacation on Friday and it hit me when most of my shorts no longer fit and I had to run out and buy new clothes. I don't want to spend the money but I had to. So when I come back I need to go on a diet plan. Any ideas. I can use exercise tips dieting tips whatever people want to give. I've done weight watchers before and you know maybe I should start it up again. But I feel at times I just want to run and hide and feel unhappy with myself. So I hide behind the casino because I feel when I am there nothing else matters. I feel like there is no judging. What's wrong with gambling right? Except for the fact when you lose its a bitch and puts you in a bad mood and just makes you want to eat I guess. it doesn't help I come from a crazy family. I come from a typical jewish family where my mother is so nosy and everything has to be her way. Well thank god this past April I moved out of her house in with my boyfriend thinking that would help. No the women is still on me its like im and adult i can run my life i can pay my bills I don't need you to baby me. I tell you I am sure they can make a tv show about my family and so many people would watch because that's just how insane my family is. Well thats it for now.

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